This article series implements a staff scheduling model in Excel using OpenSolver, then in Python using Pyomo.
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Allocating people to teams is a task common in both sport and business. We allocate 32 people to 4 teams that are as balanced as possible.
Bin packing is a common problem. A new formulation helps us solve a simple, yet difficult to solve, bin packing model.
Crossword puzzles are a popular pastime. We design and build Mixed Integer Linear Programming models to compile crossword puzzles.
Minimize the number of racks to store all pallets in a warehouse, freeing space for other activities and allowing company growth.
We describe an example of how to represent price breaks in a linear programming model, built in Excel using Solver or OpenSolver.
A new role mining model is claimed to be more tractable and practical. We test that assertion using constraint programming and MILP.
Optimal facility location is a common & difficult decision that organizations need to make. We build a location optimization model in Excel.
This article replicates and extends a transportation optimization model for managing a COVID-19 vaccination plan in Hong Kong.
Formulating logic conditions in linear programs can be difficult. This two-part article series explains how, using easy to follow steps.
We present an example of project crashing using an optimization model to help the project manager decide what to do.
Why does my model find different solutions? Some solutions are better than others – how can that be? How do I find the best solution?
We explore two aspects of refactoring an existing optimization model: Modularization and adding model variations.