We run optimization model cases 10 times faster, fully using the parallel capabilities of the CPU cores/threads in a modern computer.
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We experiment with the new Python in Excel feature, building and solving a linear program using the Python SciPy library.
This series explores optimization of a "picking warehouse" by improving the warehouse design and efficiency of the picking process.
We replicate a wood cutting pattern model from a published academic paper. Surprisingly, we find a better optimal solution.
We've collated links to dozens of websites about optimization modelling. The links are organized into several categories.
The selection of a better fantasy sports team can substantially improve performance. Excel plus OpenSolver can pick an optimal team.
How many other optimal solutions exist? How do I find those solutions. This article explains how to use the CPLEX solution pool.
This article replicates and extends a transportation optimization model for managing a COVID-19 vaccination plan in Hong Kong.
This article series implements a staff scheduling model in Excel using OpenSolver, then in Python using Pyomo.
Optimal facility location is a common & difficult decision that organizations need to make. We build a location optimization model in Excel.
Bin packing is a common problem. A new formulation helps us solve a simple, yet difficult to solve, bin packing model.
Given available resources, what mix of products will maximize profit? We can answer to question using Excel and the Solver add-in.
Crossword puzzles are a popular pastime. We design and build Mixed Integer Linear Programming models to compile crossword puzzles.