Let's discuss your optimization models
Welcome to Solver Max. We specialize in designing, building, and using optimization models to help you achieve your goals. Our objective is to assist you in creating and refining your optimization models.
Consulting service
Need assistance with your models? Whether you require expert advice on an existing model or want us to build a custom model for you, then we are here to help. Contact us with a brief description of your needs, and we'll get started.
Optimization blog and resources
Explore our optimization modelling blog, featuring detailed examples complete with source code and data. These examples cover a wide range of optimization problems and serve as a practical guide for building and understanding optimization models.
Our models leverage powerful Python libraries such as Pyomo, OR-Tools, SciPy, CVXPY, Gekko, and more, as well as the Excel Solver/OpenSolver add-ins. Feel free to use these examples as a learning tool or a foundation for your own models.
Additionally, our resource collection includes more example models, online courses, textbooks on optimization, and links to other insightful blogs. Dive in to learn more about optimization modelling.