Frontline Systems make Excel's Solver add-in, along with a variety of other data analysis tools.
Their website's learning section includes a comprehensive list of more than 100 example models that you can run with Excel Solver.
The example models are organized into the following categories:
- Corporate finance: Working capital management, capital budgeting, inventory management, cash management, and capacity planning.
- Investment: Portfolio optimization (Markowitz model), stock portfolio management, portfolio optimization (Sharpe CAPM), bond portfolio management, and bond portfolio exact matching.
- Production: Product mix, machine allocation, blending, process selection, and cutting stock.
- Distribution: Transportation, multi-level multi-commodity transportation, partial loading, facility location, and production/transportation.
- Purchasing: Contract awards, inventory stocking/reordering, media planning, and purchasing/transportation.
- Human resources: Crew scheduling, office assignment, employee scheduling, workforce composition, and workforce movement.
For more information: Examples of optimization problems