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OpenSolver is a free add-in that's a powerful alternative to Excel's Solver add-in.

Overview of OpenSolver:

OpenSolver is an Excel VBA add-in that extends Excel's built-in Solver with more powerful solvers.

OpenSolver provides the following features:

  • OpenSolver offers a range of solvers for use in Excel, including the excellent, Open Source, COIN-OR CBC optimization engine which can quickly solve large Linear and Integer problems.
  • Compatible with your existing Solver models, so there is no need to change your spreadsheets.
  • No artificial limits on the size of problem you can solve – have as many variables and constraints as your computer memory allows (but be aware that large problems can be slow to solve).
  • OpenSolver is free, open source software. "About OpenSolver"

For more information: OpenSolver

Essential reading