We compare a linear programming model written using Julia/JuMP with the same model written using Python/Pyomo.
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Formulating logic conditions in linear programs can be difficult. This two-part article series explains how, using easy to follow steps.
This series of 13 articles compares Python libraries Pyomo, PuLP, OR-Tools, Gekko, CVXPY, and SciPy for building a linear programming model.
This article series implements a staff scheduling model in Excel using OpenSolver, then in Python using Pyomo.
This article replicates and extends a transportation optimization model for managing a COVID-19 vaccination plan in Hong Kong.
We describe an example of how to represent price breaks in a linear programming model, built in Excel using Solver or OpenSolver.
How many other optimal solutions exist? How do I find those solutions. This article explains how to use the CPLEX solution pool.
Sometimes we need more power to solve a model. This article describes how to solve a model using the CPLEX solver via the NEOS Server.
Optimal facility location is a common & difficult decision that organizations need to make. We build a location optimization model in Excel.
Minimize the number of racks to store all pallets in a warehouse, freeing space for other activities and allowing company growth.
We explore two aspects of refactoring an existing optimization model: Modularization and adding model variations.
We report our experience of Copilot coding a non-trivial optimization model, focussing on what went well and what didn't go well as the model evolves.
Academic research papers can be tremendously valuable. But only if they are complete. So, academics, please publish your data and code.